Bring Inspiration and Clarity to Your Home through Simple Weekly Rituals

Making small arrangements in bud vases are a time saving and easy way to bring beauty and inspiration into your home. Start to collect bud vases in ceramic or glass. They are fun in groupings of two or more and are the perfect height and size if you have a smaller dining table or work space. You can collect them from garage sales or find them new.

Fresh bud vase arrangements and palo santo

Go out into your garden or on your daily walk and see what small cuttings you can find. Here I used a combination of some blooms from a Farmer’s market bouquet mixed with some cuttings from my Fall garden. I mixed shades of yellow and reds for some pop as I begin my work week. The brighter colors bring creative inspiration to my table and, or workspace.

Another weekly ritual that supports my productivity and clarity is smudging my home and workspace. Being an AirBnb host, I use smudging to clear and neutralize the energy in my units, between guests. I also, use it in my own home as a reset tool before getting started on a new project and when I am working toward a deadline. Pictured here is Palo Santo, it gives off a musky, citrus scent when burned. You can also use herb bundles made from cedar or sage. You can buy your smudging supplies at your local health food store or harvest local sage and cedar to make your own bundles with twine. (Stay tuned for a blog on DIY herb bundles for smudging.)