Stay Seasonal and Local with Your Flowers

Using the best of season from your garden and local growers supports the environment and your local economy. Now more than ever, our choices impact our future and turning to local growers and using sustainable floristry methods from farm to table, is a must. Many florists no longer use green foam in their arrangements. There is too high an environmental cost when using a foam that never breaks down. Thankfully there are wonderful ways to use chicken wire and flower frogs in the bottom of containers to stabilize arrangements and replace the foam.

The floral bunches pictured here are a great representation of seasonal and local. In the back row, are Kumquat tree cuttings from my own garden, Dusty Miller, Amaranth and Gomphrena were all purchased a my local farmer’s market and carry the look, spirit and feel of Fall at the this garden party in Stinson Beach.

It is also very important to compost your dead flowers and cuttings, instead of putting them in land fill.

Many of us bring flowers and plants into our home to admire their beauty and bring a part of the natural world inside and that gives us a wonderful opportunity to practice good stewardship of our Earth, in a small, but mighty way.